Contact Office
503-505 Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 1AD

Out of Hours Emergency

Out of Hours Emergency

An emergency is something that could not have been foreseen

And which could cause serious damage to the property if left untreated, examples are:

Severe leaks

Severe leaks

Total loss of electrical power

Total loss of electrical power

Blockage of your ONLY toilet

Blockage of your ONLY toilet

(please note that if you have caused the blockage you may be liable for the bill)

Total loss of running water

Total loss of running water

Where there is no other form available.

Broken windows or doors following a break-in

Broken windows or doors following a break-in

A handy man should only be instructed to temporarily board up the window/make the property safe. Normie Estate Agents will arrange for a contractor to re-attend during working hours to replace glass/doors. You must also report any damage to the police and obtain a crime reference number.

Whilst the Landlord may be responsible for certain repairs at the property, and indeed has a legal liability for some items, responsibility may not be accepted for bills created as a result of tenants calling out the contractor. As a result, you may be liable for the full amount of the contractor’s bill when a repair is not justified. 

An emergency is something that would immediately endanger life or property if not treated promptly. In the case of an emergency that occurs outside of our normal office hours, please contact our emergency team on 0161 388 5361.

Should they not be available you should instruct a suitably qualified emergency contractor to make the property safe. Any additional work required, over and above what is absolutely essential, should be discussed once our office re-opens.

It is crucial you inform Normie Estate Agents lettings department as soon as the offices are open, to report the incident.

Please send invoices (should the repair be justified) to Normie Estate Agents lettings department for reimbursement.

It would assist us greatly if as many photos as possible are taken both before and after the emergency situation has been dealt with.
If you smell gas contact the gas emergency service (National Grid) immediately on 0800 111 999

Please note – no reimbursement will apply if the repair is due to a tenant not looking after the property properly in any way.